
Panský dům a Pyramida s.r.o.

Jizerka 20
468 50 Kořenov
IČO: 26049082, DIČ CZ26049082
GPS: 50° 49′ 6.662″N, 15° 20′ 44.27

Liberec > Jablonec nad Nisou > Tanvald > Desná > Horní Polubný > Jizerka. Turn left towards Souš reservoir as you reach the end of the road through Desná. Turn right towards Horní Polubný at the T-junction in Černá Říčka.

Turn left past the church in Horní Polubný, then left again and you’ll find yourself on a narrow path leading gently upwards towards Jizerka. You’ll arrive there after around 6 km driving through forest along a maintained narrow mountain road.

Cars are not banned in the hamlet if you are accommodated there, and you will receive your car permit in the hotel. Our hotel is about 1 km further along the road which continues after the central car park.

You can only arrive here via Frýdlant outside the winter season. During the winter period, the Smědava–Souš section is closed to motor vehicles.

We recommend snow chains and a shovel in winter. Sometimes they’re essential.

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